The ALC was formed in 1994 to serve as a unified national voice for professional loggers across the United States. Made up of a coalition of logging associations, regional logging associations, and individual members, the ALC represents 45 states across the U.S.
Our Purpose
The American Loggers Council (ALC) is the only national organization solely dedicated to representing the rights and interests of independent loggers and log truck contractors (members) nationally. ALC combines the power of its members with state and regional logging associations across the country to impact our industry positively and proactively by sharing the benefits of education, training, networking, research, promotion, and legislative advocacy.
Our Mission
To enhance the logging profession, provide a unified voice on logging issues; cooperate with the public, industrial, and private timberland owners to further sustainable forestry practices; and advocate for the rights and interests of its members by developing and/or supporting national legislation and initiatives favorable to its members.
Our History
With the adoption of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) by the American Forest and Paper Association in 1994, it was clear that American Loggers needed a strong, consistent presence to impact issues on a national level. This coalescing event was, in effect, the beginning of the ALC.